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Check Out This Amazing LEUNE Live Resin | Herb Unboxed

Duration: 05:25Views: 835Likes: 42Date Created: May, 2021

Channel: Herb

Category: Howto & Style

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Description: Take a break and come hang out with Tammy (aka @thecannabiscutie) as we unbox LEUNE's line of Naked live resin vapes and pods 🎉 Follow @leunebrand on Instagram to learn more! 💨 instagram.com/leunebrand Herb is the world’s largest cannabis community, bringing you the best in cannabis news, how-to’s, recipes, product reviews, and more. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: youtube.com/herbvideo Stay connected with Herb at: instagram.com/Herb facebook.com/Herb twitter.com/herbworthy herb.co/newsletters #Herb #Resin #LiveResin

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